Graduands Attire

Male Graduands

Lounge Suits

  • Long-sleeve shirt (light coloured)
  • Long trousers (dark coloured) – (Jeans/Denim) are not permitted
  • Coat, necktie, leather shoes (dark coloured) or;
  • National attire (with sampin)

* Attires that are prohibited

  • Cultural clothes and uniforms (police, military, etc.)
  • Refrain from wearing yellow clothing
  • Slippers / sandals
Female Graduands
  • Long sleeve dresses with ankle-length skirt
  • Leather and dark coloured shoes (court shoes)
  • Graduands with long hair must ensure the hair is neatly tied

* Attires that are prohibited

  • Short skirts
  • Highly slit/split skirt
  • Leggings
  • Sleeveless tops
  • Revealing clothes
  • Clothes that are too bright or yellow in color
  • Excessive accessories/jewelleries
  • Slippers/ sandals
  • Shoes with high heels (heels above 2 inches)
  • Niqab
  • Denim/Jeans

Note: Graduands dressed other than as stated will not be allowed enter the hall

Academic Dress

All graduands are required to be dresses in full academic dress as follows :

  • Robe
  • Hood
  • Mortar board

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